Tripping the Virtual Fantastic. Add to Digg Bookmark with del. Cepstral builds high quality, natural sounding voices for server, desktop, and embedded applications. VoiceForge is differentiated as the only service to offer 30 entertaining novelty voices in addition to 20 traditional "enterprise" voices -- 50 in all. Full set of cool Telephone validation functions with a coverage of more than a hundred different countries. voiceforge

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A proper lady avatar can use the Southern Belle voice, while a more whimsical avatar might use the French-Fry voice. Developers can now access a simple API to convert any text or web page into platform-independent audio without the need for client software.

Cepstral builds voicefoge quality, natural sounding voices for server, desktop, and embedded applications. Our API allows you to get rich profile information for phone numbers and email address and then show that information in your app.


Phone Metropolis API can analyse, get location information and parse the content of a given phone number. Tripping the Virtual Fantastic. The deal will enable Cepstral to distribute the audio into the required virtual world from its hosted SaaS platform at VoiceForge. The company will continue to support its traditional installed software products through Cepstral.

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ACSvoiceforfe a leading developer and distributor of virtual goods in 3D online environments. We, at Plivo, make it easier for businesses and software developers to use cloud-powered Voice and SMS communications. No infringement is intended.

World's Largest Catalog of English Text-to-Speech (TTS) Voices Now an Online Service

About Cepstral LLC Cepstral is a Text-to-Speech technology company which provides software and services for the spoken delivery of information. Dial the Sky telephone VoiceForge is differentiated as the only service to offer 30 entertaining novelty voices in addition to 20 traditional "enterprise" voices -- 50 in all.

For a given international international phone number, get geographic information, including city, wealth score, language, mobile voicfforge, etc. Our platform is customizable at all levels including TTS engine, lexicon, signal-processing, text-processing, voice building, and voice tuning. Global Telephone Number Information.

This site uses cookies. To find out more, including how to control vojceforge, see here: In other words you can use our API to get public available information associated to a telephone numbers. Sky Contact Phone Numberlisted here will direct you straight to Sky customer services team for all your enquiries.

VoiceForge API

Cepstral is a Text-to-Speech technology company which provides software and services for the spoken delivery of information. VoiceForge is a SaaS platform powered by Cepstral dedicated to online delivery of a wide variety of professional and novelty voices. We simplify the vioceforge complexity of the telephony business into a simple infrastructure service for you: This rapid deployment and refinement model is necessary for the online applications that are leveraging VoiceForge.


Check out our medium team page here. For more information, check out their API Documentation. Messages for voicemails and switchboards using professional voice talents. Our customers recognize our value as both a voice and technology partner for spoken interfaces," said Cepstral CEO, Craig Campbell.

VoiceForge API (Overview, Documentation & Alternatives) | RapidAPI

Their elegant hosted solution made it a snap to integrate with our products. Create a free website or blog at WordPress. I find that the voices, although realistic, leave something to be desired when voiceforgd comes to emphasis, intonation and timing and unable to fully get emotional content across.

On hold audio messages. This is why we we're able to offer exponentially more English voices than anyone else. You can use our API to:


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